(2021) Survivor earned his name, no two ways about it. His dam was purchased from Azazel Dairy Goats a few years back to introduce new lines into our herd. Her genetics traced back to Kastdumer's.... notable to Temerity. (Time in a bottle) Her udder is high and tight with a strong fore udder, a trait we would like to incorporate into our capacious udders. We bred her out to an outside buck in order to retain a new herdsire. With great expectation we settled in to wait. Sandy caught us off guard by kidding in the early hours of the morning, "flinging" kids all over her stall. All 4 of them, all girls. Imagine our disappointment. After working many hours working with the babies, we managed to save 3 of the 4 does. Sandy looked off. I checked on her only to discover another kid wedged across the birth canal. Working to extract what I assumed was a dead kid in order to save mom, I was shocked to find this last little guy alive. We them spent the rest of the day "saving" our End Surivor.
Azazel Sands of Time

Kidding Record
Bree - 3 does • 2 bucks
Echo - 1 buck
Legend - 1 buck
Alle - 1 doe • 2 bucks
Linear Appraisal
2022 - 1yr G+G 79
Show Wins
2023 -